It’s that time of year, the one where you open your closet to grab a light sweater and realize you should be on an episode of Hoarders. Spring cleaning is here. And cleaning doesn’t just mean declutter, it is a time to restructure schedules, reorganize that junk drawer, and make the day-to-day a more organized system.

CDB Interiors Lifestyle Blog

Spring Cleaning

Venture over to The Container Store for your behind-the-scenes declutter and streamline, but don’t feel like everything needs to hide in a closet. We love following @thehomeedit on Instagram and seeing the beautiful ways they clean house. Organization can be chic and a total game changer. Baskets and open shelving is on trend and #OnthePedestal. An easy rule of thumb is to imagine if all your drawers and cabinets were open or acrylic, would the stuff in them look presentable? It is easy to comb through things when you realize how much we all tend to hoard and how unsightly those nooks and crannies can get! Even if you don't actually use acrylic (which we love!), keeping simplicity is keeping things clean.

There is something centering when you're space is functional and efficient. It is so easy to accumulate junk, we are all taking a pause in front of the junk drawer wondering how this much stuff ended up there. We love The Home Edit and the ways their team is making organization dare we say, sexy? Our fridge sure never looked this good, and it's all in simplicity and streamline-- color coding, unfussy, cleanliness.

It is so easy to stack things up and then what was an organized pile on the kitchen island turns into, "Wait, we have an island?" Whether it is an office, laundry room, or a living room, our spaces are nothing if we can't function in them. Keeping things in ship shape doesn't have to be a huge undertaking. We love how these spaces keep clean lines and clean colors, encouraging us to keep the clutter at bay. Fresh muted shades make any space seem brighter and sharper, and fresh flowers are a perfect way to add something to a space without adding very much at all. What are some ways that you are spring cleaning?