We are placing acrylic On the Pedestal. We can’t get enough, whether it’s a drawer pull or a ghost chair, acrylic embodies that less can, in fact, be more. These incredible items look contemporary, but not cold; minimalist, but not minor; luxury, but not over the top.

CDB Interiors Lifestyle Blog

i n t h e l i v i n g r o o m
This is one of our client's homes! We love the bright, bold carpet and using an acrylic coffee table allows the colors take centerstage. Cheryl says, "We chose this coffee table because it adds visual depth to spaces making them appear larger in a room with lots of furniture. It paired well with the colors and materials in the room." This coffee table came from High Fashion Home, a favorite vendor of ours here in Houston.
i n t h e k i t c h e n
In another stunning client project, these barstools were purchased from Kartell and are durable and airy. It adds to the look of a space without making it look heavy. We chose acrylic because it's playful, yet adds a chic look to any room. The client needed sturdy and easy to clean chairs in the kitchen with young children. You can easily remove scratches with pledge or a mild detergent with a microfiber cloth, a key when wanting style with small kids!
"You too can have Acrylic in your home or office," says our founder, Cheryl. Acrylic isn't just for play. Add a desk, console, tray, or drawer pulls to update an office space for a visually stunning, yet uncluttered office space. Russel & Hazel has great acrylic products we love to use in offices and other small spaces where clutter is to be avoided at all costs. With these items, your space is instantly elevated with style and clean lines.

What makes this so swanky, you might ask? We think because, like any good friend, it allows its surroundings to shine. Sleek and unfussy, these pieces elevate and compliment whatever surrounds them. We love using a tray to place special trinkets or favorite books on, just as much as we love an acrylic desk in all its minimal glory. The transparency of these furniture pieces or accessories make it versatile, and not just with modern or contemporary vibes. In fact, the more color, pattern, and texture that surrounds it, the more it works because it is visually uncluttered. The shape of acrylic furniture doesn’t have to be modern, either. We love how organic works with it too, like this trunk filled with driftwood and sea glass. The natural elements work in perfect symbiosis with the sleek trunk from Wisteria. No one element or item detracting attention from the other, but rather everything ties in to one another creating a fully functional, fully stunning space.