We don't need to believe in magic, we see it with our own eyes! Sunbrella, Perennials, and David Sutherland are the fabrics and furniture designer for the good, bad, and ugly of any environment. This wipe it down and move on fabric makes indoor and outdoor spaces spill safe, so let the good times roll! Fabrics and pieces comes in a multitude of shades, patterns, and styles. Outdoor vendors take their well-earned place On the Pedestal!

CDB Interiors Lifestyle Blog

Outdoor Fabrics - Sunbrella and Perennials

What was once the "throw away" stepchild of the furniture world has emerged as an MVP for outdoor seasons. And if you live in Texas, that's year-round! The sturdier, weather-ready fabrics and furnitures make taking to the outdoors a breeze. Sunbrella fabrics and perennials keep your space from becoming that mildewed pile you wasted money on, only to toss once the seasons change. But these fabrics aren't just for outdoors, and we don't know why it took us this long to figure it out. Stains and spills and general wear happens on our indoor fabrics as well. Kids or no kids, we actually live in our spaces, so why not make our spaces more livable? Using Sunbrella in upolstry makes your space last longer and be the place you actually function in, rather than the plastic covered rooms of grandmothers past.

Perennials releases designs in 100% Solution-Dyed Acrylic that are remarkable for the luxury they bring to fabric suitable for outdoors and perfect for luxurious, carefree indoor spaces. Perennials, names for the long-lasting botanicals of our gardens, are stain and mildew-resistant. Just like their floral namesake, these fabrics have staying power and luxurious designs to amplify any room or patio.

Emerging into the design world in 1977, David Sutherland began to notice the empty spaces-- patios, porches, and pools. He teamed up with John Hutton in a quest to make "indoor solutions for outdoors" and in 1991, "over a couple of martinis, Sutherland and Hutton came up with a concept and embarked on a mission that would transform the outdoor furniture industry." Boasting now 37 collections with hundreds of pieces of furniture, Sutherland has well earned his place On the Pedestal. Thanks to our Vendor Spotlight, even the most discerning and selective clients don't have to compromise style for functionality.