Feeling a little blah? It's that space between Halloween-y time and Thanksgiving where only the very adventurous get holiday shopping and Christmas cards done. We get it. But your space shouldn't fall flat! Adding texture makes a room pop even more than those tangerine pillows you've been eyeing and potentially more than the German schmear on the fireplace. Join us today to see how texture might be the it factor you are missing from your space.

Modern, Woven and Textured

Here's the real question to ask: can you feel it? We aren't talking a Phil Collins' song, we are talking running your hands over a piece, wallpaper, even woodwork and other design aspects. Those rough wooden tables and dough bowls and vintage leather couches have something to them. You know it as soon as you make contact, eye or otherwise. Texture usually isn't centerstage, but your show is just a monologue without a chorus. What we want to get across is that texture is the way to make your room go from a room, to the space you want to gather in. It keeps monochrome from being mono-blah and it makes a more eclectic, brightly colored space grounded, and it takes a traditional room and gives it life and breath without taking away from classic pieces.

Don't forget the walls! We adore exposed brick, so don't be afraid to peel it back a little the next time you need to get plumbing fixed and see what lies beneath. We want to make sure we put in our seal of approval on wainscoting, shiplap, bead board, and shelving. Add bead board behind shelving and even give it a coat of paint all its own. We love texture, can you feel the love? It's palpable.