'Tis the season and we are decking the halls. This month we are taking a moment to reflect on the 2018 year and looking forward towards the new year. There is not mantle too large or too small for CDB Interiors! This last month is full of evergreen and traditions. Join us as we dive into all things Decemeber to make this a memorable holiday season.


Color Crush--Evergreen
Oh Christmas tree, how much we love you for your hue! On the Pedestal, we are crushing on this lovely cedar shade. Walls, couches, throws, bedding are all exquisite in evergreen. This shade can take on a statement making pop of color or it can act as a neutral, depending on the surroundings. We love seeing evergreen in our spaces and in fashion, alike.

Holiday Traditions
We all have them. This month we are looking at ones we love seeing in interiors. Something unique, something quirky, something chic-- we adore how these traditions become themselves part of the family!

No Mantel, No Problem
Small spaces have no fear, if Santa can deliver without a chimney, we can decorate without a mantle! Find clever and sophisticated ways to keep the holiday spirit without the whole fireplace situation.

Guest Powder Rooms
Holidays are a time for family, and family means full guest rooms and the usually quiet spaces in our homes, a little less quiet. Guest powder rooms are On the Pedestal this month for their absolute necessity when playing host, and how to make this room go from the place you store items to re-gift and wrapping paper, to the space that has your guests wanting to stay a day longer.

A Year in Review
On the Pedestal will celebrate an anniversary in January, so we would like to take minute and look back at the biggest things we saw in 2018 and our top blog post. We love having feedback from our loyal clients and supporters, what were your favorites? What design choices did you choose and what inspired you?

Christmas List
We're making a list and checking it twice for the things we hope for this holiday season! Join us this month to see what we would say if we were to sit on Santa's lap. Hopefully we've made the nice list!

Top Trends of 2019
As we close one year, another opens its arms in a warm embrace. Entering into 2019, let's take a look at some of the top trends coming to us in the design world and how we at CDB Interiors are incorporating them in ongoing projects.